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Simplified Cost Options: Experience from the UK

Interview with Maeve Hamilton, Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland

Maeve Hamilton is employed by the Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland. She has worked in the Northern Ireland Civil Service for almost 30 years. She is currently acting Head of EU Fund Management Division with responsibility for the Managing Authorities for the NI ERDF and ESF Programmes (2014-2020). Maeve is a fully qualified Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors UK) and has professional qualifications in computer audit and fraud investigation. She has also achieved a Masters (MSc) degree in Managing Innovation in the Public Sector. Maeve has been working with EU funding for almost 15 years and has built up extensive knowledge on the EC Regulations and requirements at every stage of Programme development. She has developed particular expertise in the establishment of management and control systems, including financial control, verification activities and Simplified Cost Options.
The ERDF Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme for Northern Ireland (2014-2020) focuses on three priority areas: research and innovation; SME competitiveness and low carbon economy. The Northern Ireland ESF programme (2014-2020) has the strategic aim of combating poverty and enhancing social inclusion by reducing economic inactivity and to increase the skills base of those currently in work and future potential participants in the workforce.


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