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EStIF says its farewell

Issue 3/19 marks the final issue of the European Structural and Investment Funds journal. With over 170 articles published across seven volumes, the journal has supported a great deal of exchange and discussion over the past six years. EStIF articles have covered a wide range of topics and themes all with one thing in common – their practical relevance to the management and implementation of ESI Fund programmes.

We sincerely thank all authors for their contributions to EStIF, for being willing to share their knowledge, findings and views. We also thank the members of the Editorial Board for their support for the journal, and a special thanks goes out to the Editor-in-Chief, Rona Michie, who dedicated a lot of time and expertise to each issue.

All articles will remain free of charge as online articles after registration on our plattform: www.estif.lexxion.eu.

Of course the spirit of EStIF lives on in our many events dedicated to serve as an exchange plattform in all matters of EU Funds. We hope to see you there!
View all events: https://www.lexxion.eu/en/eventslist/

You can still order print copies of EStIF in our webshop: Oder here.

Or you can sign up for our newsletter: Sign up here.

