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Priorities for the Future of the European Union and the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021 - 2027:

Reshaping Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion into Cohesion and Values

Svetlana Kineva

The article presents the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021 -2027 – a Modern Budget for a Union that Protects, Empowers and Defends. It reflects new political ideas set up in the White Paper for the Future of the European Union and in the Bratislava and Rome Declarations of 2016. Probably one of the most significant changes compared to the financial perspective of previous years is that the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021 - 2027 is one for the Union of 27. Cohesion and Values priority is discussed in the paper as it concentrates the financial resources allocated to Cohesion Policy. The new arrangement of priorities on the EU agenda leads to reduction for Cohesion Policy which is intended to be compensated by applying certain guiding principles. Another challenge faced by politicians is finalising the negotiations on time and not risking the early start of programme implementation. As of the year 2021 a new long-term budget will be in place – a modern budget that protects, empowers and defends.

Svetlana Kineva (PhD) is an expert in financial management of EU funds in the Ministry of Finance of Republic of Bulgaria


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